We Are Happy To Help You Help Your Patient

The Key to Reducing Poor Cardiovascular Outcomes is Optimizing Metabolic Health and Reaching Lipid Goals.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death and disability in the developed world. We can help our patients avoid succumbing to this devastating illness.

It can be difficult to attain LDL cholesterol goals.

Depending on their level of risk, about 30-60% of patients treated with a statin do not reach their LDL-cholesterol goal. Barriers include statin intolerance, medication adherence, medication selection, and complicated drug regimen. We excel in getting our patients to goal and minimizing their risk of disease. 

All our patients are unique

We know that not all our patients fall neatly into one of the categories established by guidelines. Fortunately, we now have a large arsenal of tools, including lifestyle changes, natural supplements, and pharmaceuticals, to help each of our unique patients minimize their risk for cardiovascular disease. 

Which guidelines should you follow?

The ACC/AHA, EAS, CCS all have their own 40+ page guidelines on the treatment of dyslipidemia. Looking at similar data, they come up with different recommendations. Let us help you find the right path for your patient. 

Let us partner with you to optimize your patient’s health

Patient care can be complex and we could all use a partner. Let us leverage our expertise to help your patient optimize their health.

How Can We Help You?

As a nationwide medical provider, we are happy to provide a courtesy consultation or take over the management of your patient’s clinical needs.

Familial Hyperlipidemia

Statin Intolerance

Polygenic Hyperlipidemia


Lp (a) Elevation

Metabolic Syndrome

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
Coronary Calcium Scan
Lab Interpretation
Advanced Lipid Testing
Genetic Testing
Courtesy Curbside Consultation 

We are Happy to offer a Brief Curbside Consultation

Have a quick question? Need some quick advice? We are happy to help! Schedule some time here.

Recent Lipid Consults

Feel free to contact us with your questions.

58 y/o female with h/o of class 3 obesity, hyperlipidemia, DM 2, osteoarthritis and HTN. Last year’s lipid panel: TC 183 HDL 71 TG 170 and LDL 90. Currently, TC 240 HDL 69 TG 138 LDL 145. Taking metformin, Glucotrol, Januvia and Ozempic. A1C recently 8.6% Unable to tolerate statins in the past. I recently started her on 5mg of rosuvastatin to see if she could tolerate this along with CoQ10.  What recommendations can I make to address her lipid panel?

64 y/o male with h/o hypertriglyceridemia – previously up to 4000 mg/dl – and DM2 with most recent A1c 6.9% and a triglyceride level of 1,534 mg/dl. He’s on gemfibrozil 600mg BID. Unable to tolerate statins due to myalgias  What else would you recommend?

36 y/o male with a BMI 30 with a h/o htn, possible alcohol abuse, with the following labs: TC: 300 mg/dl, nonHDL: 260 mg/dl, HDL: 36 mg/dl, TG: 1245 mg/dl, AST/ALT: 28/53, TSH: 1.20, A1c: 5.0. Given elevated TG and LDL-C and BMI 30, would you consider familial hypercholesterolemia? If so, what is the next step? At what point, would you consider cardiac evaluation?

67 y/o female with multiple medical problems including dyslipidemia, HTN, hypothyroidism. Recent labs: TC 339 mg/dl, TG 270 mg/dl, LDL 243 mg/dl, HDL 50 mg/dl, eGFR 70, Glu 68, no A1c, ALT/AST 23/31, TSH 97, B12 wnl, Vit D 18.

Should we initiate statin therapy or wait for the thyroid function to normalize first? At what point should she get further cardiac evaluation?

58 y/o female who is very health conscious has several close family members who suffered MIs at an early age. She has switched to an entirely plant-based diet following coronary artery CT scan showing calcification. TC 125 mg/dl, HDL 72 mg/dl, TG 55 mg/dl, LDL 41 mg/dl. She is a non-smoker, exercises regularly, normal BMI, BP 128/88. Takes ASA 81mg and rosuvastatin 5mg. She wonders about stopping the statin. Patient would like advanced lipid panel screening and interpretation. What should I be looking for?

63 y/o female with 10-year ASCVD risk 9% who reports intense debilitating leg pain and weakness with the pravastatin, simvastatin and Vascepa in past. What is the best next step in her treatment?

58 yo male with TC 300 mg/dl, HDL 65 mg/dl, TG 130 mg/dl, LDL 215 mg/dl. He used to be on atorvastatin 10mg, but was advised to stop after a coronary CT showed no plaque. He is concerned about the risk of diabetes from statins given that he was diagnosed with prediabetes in the past – resolved with lifestyle changes. Non smoker, low fat, low carb diet, no FHx CVD.

He is willing to restart lovastatin 10mg, but should we recommend a high-intensity statin? How does the negative coronary CT factor into the risk assessment?

How It Works

Ask Your Patient To Schedule An Appointment Through Our Web Site

Have your patient make a telemedicine appointment on the “Book Appointment” page.

They’ll receive a link to create their electronic medical records account and be able to upload any labs or results you would like to them to discuss. 

Provide Them a Copy of Their Labs and/or Imaging Study Results

Your patient will be able to upload a copy of their labs and imaging to help with the consultation. 

We Will Send You A Consultation Note

We will send you a note reviewing the visit and treatment plan so you are always up to date with your patient’s care. Have questions? Call directly and we are happy to discuss.